So, I sorta forgot my password...
But I remembered it at a random moment and now we're back in buisiness!
So, it turns out that Alex Lucine has a blog.
That's rad to me, because I swear, I've grown to love Alex Lucine and Drake Merwin more than Max and Fang (gasp! well they're good together, so shoot me!) which is really hard to accomplish. I am a die hard FAX fan. Or MANG...just saying.
I'm writing a story about Drake and Aly. Puzzle Peices.
Speaking of funny people- SAINT FANG OF BOREDOM! LOVE HER!
Oh, and guess what? I wrote this fanfiction called Speak, for Maximum Ride. And I've got enough followers to start a freaking cult! This is super exciting for me and it feels so, so, so, SO good to be this appreciated! This is a real moment for me! I'm having my thirteen minutes of long as this story lasts.
I've got, like, 54 reviews as of now. That's a lot for me!
I'm so proud!
This thing is like, my pride and joy of the moment! I feel pretty special. Not as famous as Saint or dallascowboysncountrymusicfan (Dallas) but special enough!
I'm at the level I could start requesting a certain amount of reviews before a chappie (chapter) gets posted, but I won't. I'm nice. :)
And this remix is lame.
For You I Will (Confidence) Remix by Teddy Geiger. I mean, it's bad enough he tried to do a rock version of it and it somehow became a top hit! Does he really have to destroy his song this much? He's kinda dragging a beautiful accoustic song through the mud right now. :(
So anways, I've discovered a Taylor Swift song I actually really really really like! It's called I'd Lie, but OF COURSE it's the ONE Taylor song that iTunes didn't have, so I couldn't buy it right away!
But I can be patient...for now.
Then I just invest in the full CD at Walmart.
I'm hyper. It's almost midnight.
I need to sleep.
But...I can't sleep.
I already tried.
So now I'm sitting on my bed and periodically typing, reading fanfictions, and fiddling with my abstinence ring. I got one today from my mom.
But it doesn't actually fit.
So it's on my pinky.
But it still counts.
So...I'm a little hyper!
Maybe I should invest in sleeping pills...
Why is there a song called Amazingly Fat Cow on the Teddy Geiger CD Underage Thinking?
Oh. My. Drake. Frickin. Merwin.
I just listened to that song.
Oh. My. Iggy. Ride.
Oh. My. Fang. Ride.
Oh. My. Leon. Scott. Kennedy.
Oh. My. Gale. Hawthorne.
Oh. My. Draco. Malfoy.
Oh. My. Some. Other. Character. Because. I. Ran. Out.
I'm scared.
It's weird.
...............I think I just pulled a Fang Ride.
So, my friends are in a MAJOR fight.
Personally, I think it's a little dumb.
But I'm going to let the drama just fizzle out.
It always does.
I give them until spring break.
If they aren't made up by then I'm forcing them together by shoving them in a closet or other small enclosed space with a lock on it.
And leaving them there.
For hours.
With only each other for company and or entertainment.
With no weaponry (for safety purposes).
And padded walls.
Maybe in straight jackets.
I'm bored now.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Okay, so I might have possibly forgotten that I had a blog to update. Not like anyone reads this thing anyways. Well, Grandma Reggie does (sup Grandma?) and Dillon MIGHT take a three second glance at this thing because I asked.
So- I discovered this GREAT song the other day. My friend Hea showed me (WHOO HEA!) It's called A Gorey Demise- by Creature Feature. And yes, they spell Gorey like that in the song. So, because I'm just such a nice, kind, loving person (insert snort of sarcastic annoyance here) I'm going to show you this fabulously-freakin-awesome song!
Okay, the link is for the video on you tube. The lyrics are below.
It's awesome.
(Strange voices and music is heard, the voices chattering loudly in the background. Someone clinks a glass and fork together to get the atention of what is assumed to be monsters. All is silent)
(Spoken by a man)Alright, everbody sit down, quiet down, listen up. I brought you all here to recite the anual obituaries.Like every year, We'll start with A and we'll end with Z. Alright, Is the band Ready?
(Deep, toad like voice) Ready
(Man speaks)Alright, Hit it boiles
(Toad guy) and a one, and a two (music resumes)
A Is For Amber
Who Drowned In A Pool
B Is For Billy
Who Was Eaten By Ghouls
C Is For Curt
With Disease Of The Brain
D Is For Daniel
Derailed On A Train
E Is For Erik
Who Was Buried Alive
F Is For Frank
Who Was Stabbed Through The Eye
G Is For Greg
Who Died In The Womb
H Is For Heather
Who Was Sealed In A Tomb
One By One, We Bite The Dust
We Kick The Bucket And Begin To Rust
Give Up The Ghost When Your Number's Up
We All Fall Down
Ashes To Ashes, Bones To Paste
You'll Wither Away In Your Resting Place
Eternity In A Wooden Case
We All Fall Down
I Is For Issac
Who Lost His Front Brakes
J Is For Johnny
Who Was Bitten By Snakes
K Is For Kimmy
Who Was Shot In The Head
L Is For Larry
Who Bled And Bled
M Is For Marie
Who Burned To A Crisp
N Is For Nick
Who Was Pummled By Fists
O Is For Olive
Who Lived Life Too Fast
P Is For Pat
Who Swallowed Some Glass
Laa laa laa laa laa laa laa laa la la la.laa laa laa laa laa laa laa laa la la la. laa laa laa laa laa laa laa laa la la la.
(Man speaks) Alright lads, all together now
One By One, We Bite The Dust
We Kick The Bucket And Begin To Rust
Give Up The Ghost When Your Number's Up
We All Fall Down
Ashes To Ashes, Bones To Paste
You'll Wither Away In Your Resting Place
Eternity In A Wooden Case
We All Fall Down
Q Is For Quentin
Who Took The Wrong Trail
R Is For Reyna
Who Rotted In Jail
S Is For Steve
Who Was Shot With A Bow
T Is For Tori
Who Froze In The Snow
U Is For Urich
Who Trampled By Hooves
V Is or Vanessa
Who Fell Off A Roof
W Is For Will
Who Was Hit By A Car
X Is For Xavier
Who Sunk In The Tar
Y Is For Yessy
Who Fell From A Plane
Z Is For Zack
Who Simply Went
(Spoken by a man)Alright, everbody sit down, quiet down, listen up. I brought you all here to recite the anual obituaries.Like every year, We'll start with A and we'll end with Z. Alright, Is the band Ready?
(Deep, toad like voice) Ready
(Man speaks)Alright, Hit it boiles
(Toad guy) and a one, and a two (music resumes)
A Is For Amber
Who Drowned In A Pool
B Is For Billy
Who Was Eaten By Ghouls
C Is For Curt
With Disease Of The Brain
D Is For Daniel
Derailed On A Train
E Is For Erik
Who Was Buried Alive
F Is For Frank
Who Was Stabbed Through The Eye
G Is For Greg
Who Died In The Womb
H Is For Heather
Who Was Sealed In A Tomb
One By One, We Bite The Dust
We Kick The Bucket And Begin To Rust
Give Up The Ghost When Your Number's Up
We All Fall Down
Ashes To Ashes, Bones To Paste
You'll Wither Away In Your Resting Place
Eternity In A Wooden Case
We All Fall Down
I Is For Issac
Who Lost His Front Brakes
J Is For Johnny
Who Was Bitten By Snakes
K Is For Kimmy
Who Was Shot In The Head
L Is For Larry
Who Bled And Bled
M Is For Marie
Who Burned To A Crisp
N Is For Nick
Who Was Pummled By Fists
O Is For Olive
Who Lived Life Too Fast
P Is For Pat
Who Swallowed Some Glass
Laa laa laa laa laa laa laa laa la la la.laa laa laa laa laa laa laa laa la la la. laa laa laa laa laa laa laa laa la la la.
(Man speaks) Alright lads, all together now
One By One, We Bite The Dust
We Kick The Bucket And Begin To Rust
Give Up The Ghost When Your Number's Up
We All Fall Down
Ashes To Ashes, Bones To Paste
You'll Wither Away In Your Resting Place
Eternity In A Wooden Case
We All Fall Down
Q Is For Quentin
Who Took The Wrong Trail
R Is For Reyna
Who Rotted In Jail
S Is For Steve
Who Was Shot With A Bow
T Is For Tori
Who Froze In The Snow
U Is For Urich
Who Trampled By Hooves
V Is or Vanessa
Who Fell Off A Roof
W Is For Will
Who Was Hit By A Car
X Is For Xavier
Who Sunk In The Tar
Y Is For Yessy
Who Fell From A Plane
Z Is For Zack
Who Simply Went
Told you it was awesome, didn't I? WHOO! This song reminds me of Dillon.
As some of the people seeing this may know, the Maximum Ride movie is going to be released sometime next year. All I
have to say is, if Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson are playing Max and Fang, I won't even bother going to the movie. I
actually liked Twilight a lot until I saw the movie.
DOWN WITH CATHERINE HARDWICK! If you are against the cast director Catherine Hardwick's cast choice for Max and
Fang (Stewart and Pattinson) sign the petition, created by St. Fang of Boredom.
Now, do yourself a favor and check out St. Fang of Boredom
And so far, this is the best fan made trailer I've seen. WHOO to this person! They get bonus virtual cookies cuz they rule!
Now, I have an actual life and it happens to be banging on my front door where I left it telling me to hurry up.
Christian can be very annoying.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Severe Inadequacy

Me: Wow....
Derek: I agree. Wow....
Chelsea: ................
*All three staring at email screen on cell phone*
Me: 12th grade? But he's.... and he's.... should be in....WHAT?
Derek: Rae, breathe.
Me: But he's-
Derek: I know. I know.
Wondering what's going on? Yeah, well, so am I. I just got an email that is making me feel vague inadequacy.
Derek: Vague?
Me: Fine! Severe.
Derek: Exactly. Hey, where did Chels go?"
Me: *shrugs* Who cares? Having her around is like having Effie Trinket be real.
Yes, people. I have read the Hunger Games. (LOVED IT!) Dillon and I could so freaking win..... well we could.
Read Skeleton Creek recently. Just borrowed Ghost in the Machine from BFF Hea. Hope he kisses Sarah. Probably won't. Wuss.
No, I'm just kidding. Mostly.
Can't wait for the new Maximum Ride. Can any of you? People are starting to win me back to Fang's side.
Anyone reading this read Gone? Just so you all know.... Drake Merwin- CALLED HIM!
Okay, I need to walk a dog, so I'll blog again some other time. Maybe after I start GITM. Until then, please enjoy this picture of Dark Mousy. (called him too.)
I don't own that picture. I got it on yahoo images. If it's yours- you rock for putting up pictures of the hottest phantom theif around.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
First Post (WHOO!)
Not my fault.
It's my computer's.
My stupid mouse is jacked up.
My dad is trying to figure out how to attach crown molding to our walls on Google next to me right now.
I feel sorry for him.
Stupid crown molding.
Stupid Mouse.
Stupid fact that technically this is a free verse poem.
Did anyone else notice that?
Anyways, first post. Not the most interesting thing in the world, I know. Too bad. Don't worry, it'll get better once I start finding this more interesting.
My teacher suggested a blog.
Dark Mousy (Dark)- Yeah. She did. I was there.
Derek- So was I!
Chelsea- (looks up from texting) Huh? Oh. Yeah. Me too. Keyboarding teacher lady said it. She did.
Yeah, uh...those three will appear a lot. Except that Dark will be visiting St. Fang of Boredom (see's greatest author EVER), until October 19th, 2009. But Derek is my imaginary bf/locker buddy/editor that my friend made up for me at my birthday. Chelsea is my imaginary assisticant (assistant.) So they'll be here.
Yeah, so...yeah. Derek will hopefully not be a smart mouth, but I did not invent him and it is therefore not my responsibility to worry about what random stuff comes out of Emo Goth Boy's mouth.
Derek- glares- I'm not emo or goth.
Me- Sure you're not...
Anyways, I don't own any of the characters I talk about in here. Unfortunately for you, I do own this laptop and I will use that to my own personal advantage.
SO- raise your hand if you're going to go to the Corn Field Maze! (Raises Hand and waves wildly). You mean you don't know what that is? go to
TOTALLY awesome. I'm going to LOVE IT!
So anyways, I really don't know what else I'm supposed to say. I'm not going to rant this time. Maybe later tonight I will. What? You don't know what I'm talking about? WELL THEN! FINE! BE A LOSER! Just kidding. Even my brothers don't understand my rants. Even Dillon, which is very sad because HE of all people SHOULD understand them. And Sean. So not the point.
Okay, when I rant it's usually about one of three things- a book, a fan fiction, or one of my stories. Yes, I rant when my own story doesn't go my way. I want particular things to happen, and I'm sure that they will, but my stories have minds of their own and so when I get going, even I'M surprised at how things turn out. Yes, that means I'm crazy. Too bad.
However, I will occasionally rant about other things- such as players, underage dating, REALLY bad music (see RAP), the theory that cell phones can give you brain cancer (that really scares me), abortion... okay, lots of things. And peanut butter. You'd have to read Flock Haven to get it though. But I rant about Peanut Butter ALL THE TIME! Seriously. It bugs the crap out of my friends. (Just so anyone who knows what I'm talking about sees this- I STILL don't have that peanut butter.)
Uh...I hate Fang from Maximum Ride, yet he's one of my favorite characters. SPOILER ALERT! IF YOU DON'T WANT TO KNOW WHY, SKIP THIS PARAGRAPH! I WARNED YOU! Okay, if you don't care or if you've read it, when he ditched Max in book three and Brigid Dwyer, and Lissa all make me hate his guts right now. But Saint, my sister, and some of my friends are trying to save his skinny little emo butt from the good kicking he needs from me. Aka they're trying to get me to like him again.
Can anyone tell me how to find his blog on Max-Dan-Wiz because I really don't get it. I've searched and searched and CAN NOT for the LIFE of me, find his blog. Leave it on a comment please. Thanks!
(I stole the first part of this from The Sorcerer's Stone-Dumbledore)
Anyways, I'd like to say a few words before I go. And here they are-
Caramelized Camels.
That will be all.
Not my fault.
It's my computer's.
My stupid mouse is jacked up.
My dad is trying to figure out how to attach crown molding to our walls on Google next to me right now.
I feel sorry for him.
Stupid crown molding.
Stupid Mouse.
Stupid fact that technically this is a free verse poem.
Did anyone else notice that?
Anyways, first post. Not the most interesting thing in the world, I know. Too bad. Don't worry, it'll get better once I start finding this more interesting.
My teacher suggested a blog.
Dark Mousy (Dark)- Yeah. She did. I was there.
Derek- So was I!
Chelsea- (looks up from texting) Huh? Oh. Yeah. Me too. Keyboarding teacher lady said it. She did.
Yeah, uh...those three will appear a lot. Except that Dark will be visiting St. Fang of Boredom (see's greatest author EVER), until October 19th, 2009. But Derek is my imaginary bf/locker buddy/editor that my friend made up for me at my birthday. Chelsea is my imaginary assisticant (assistant.) So they'll be here.
Yeah, so...yeah. Derek will hopefully not be a smart mouth, but I did not invent him and it is therefore not my responsibility to worry about what random stuff comes out of Emo Goth Boy's mouth.
Derek- glares- I'm not emo or goth.
Me- Sure you're not...
Anyways, I don't own any of the characters I talk about in here. Unfortunately for you, I do own this laptop and I will use that to my own personal advantage.
SO- raise your hand if you're going to go to the Corn Field Maze! (Raises Hand and waves wildly). You mean you don't know what that is? go to
TOTALLY awesome. I'm going to LOVE IT!
So anyways, I really don't know what else I'm supposed to say. I'm not going to rant this time. Maybe later tonight I will. What? You don't know what I'm talking about? WELL THEN! FINE! BE A LOSER! Just kidding. Even my brothers don't understand my rants. Even Dillon, which is very sad because HE of all people SHOULD understand them. And Sean. So not the point.
Okay, when I rant it's usually about one of three things- a book, a fan fiction, or one of my stories. Yes, I rant when my own story doesn't go my way. I want particular things to happen, and I'm sure that they will, but my stories have minds of their own and so when I get going, even I'M surprised at how things turn out. Yes, that means I'm crazy. Too bad.
However, I will occasionally rant about other things- such as players, underage dating, REALLY bad music (see RAP), the theory that cell phones can give you brain cancer (that really scares me), abortion... okay, lots of things. And peanut butter. You'd have to read Flock Haven to get it though. But I rant about Peanut Butter ALL THE TIME! Seriously. It bugs the crap out of my friends. (Just so anyone who knows what I'm talking about sees this- I STILL don't have that peanut butter.)
Uh...I hate Fang from Maximum Ride, yet he's one of my favorite characters. SPOILER ALERT! IF YOU DON'T WANT TO KNOW WHY, SKIP THIS PARAGRAPH! I WARNED YOU! Okay, if you don't care or if you've read it, when he ditched Max in book three and Brigid Dwyer, and Lissa all make me hate his guts right now. But Saint, my sister, and some of my friends are trying to save his skinny little emo butt from the good kicking he needs from me. Aka they're trying to get me to like him again.
Can anyone tell me how to find his blog on Max-Dan-Wiz because I really don't get it. I've searched and searched and CAN NOT for the LIFE of me, find his blog. Leave it on a comment please. Thanks!
(I stole the first part of this from The Sorcerer's Stone-Dumbledore)
Anyways, I'd like to say a few words before I go. And here they are-
Caramelized Camels.
That will be all.
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