Not my fault.
It's my computer's.
My stupid mouse is jacked up.
My dad is trying to figure out how to attach crown molding to our walls on Google next to me right now.
I feel sorry for him.
Stupid crown molding.
Stupid Mouse.
Stupid fact that technically this is a free verse poem.
Did anyone else notice that?
Anyways, first post. Not the most interesting thing in the world, I know. Too bad. Don't worry, it'll get better once I start finding this more interesting.
My teacher suggested a blog.
Dark Mousy (Dark)- Yeah. She did. I was there.
Derek- So was I!
Chelsea- (looks up from texting) Huh? Oh. Yeah. Me too. Keyboarding teacher lady said it. She did.
Yeah, uh...those three will appear a lot. Except that Dark will be visiting St. Fang of Boredom (see's greatest author EVER), until October 19th, 2009. But Derek is my imaginary bf/locker buddy/editor that my friend made up for me at my birthday. Chelsea is my imaginary assisticant (assistant.) So they'll be here.
Yeah, so...yeah. Derek will hopefully not be a smart mouth, but I did not invent him and it is therefore not my responsibility to worry about what random stuff comes out of Emo Goth Boy's mouth.
Derek- glares- I'm not emo or goth.
Me- Sure you're not...
Anyways, I don't own any of the characters I talk about in here. Unfortunately for you, I do own this laptop and I will use that to my own personal advantage.
SO- raise your hand if you're going to go to the Corn Field Maze! (Raises Hand and waves wildly). You mean you don't know what that is? go to
TOTALLY awesome. I'm going to LOVE IT!
So anyways, I really don't know what else I'm supposed to say. I'm not going to rant this time. Maybe later tonight I will. What? You don't know what I'm talking about? WELL THEN! FINE! BE A LOSER! Just kidding. Even my brothers don't understand my rants. Even Dillon, which is very sad because HE of all people SHOULD understand them. And Sean. So not the point.
Okay, when I rant it's usually about one of three things- a book, a fan fiction, or one of my stories. Yes, I rant when my own story doesn't go my way. I want particular things to happen, and I'm sure that they will, but my stories have minds of their own and so when I get going, even I'M surprised at how things turn out. Yes, that means I'm crazy. Too bad.
However, I will occasionally rant about other things- such as players, underage dating, REALLY bad music (see RAP), the theory that cell phones can give you brain cancer (that really scares me), abortion... okay, lots of things. And peanut butter. You'd have to read Flock Haven to get it though. But I rant about Peanut Butter ALL THE TIME! Seriously. It bugs the crap out of my friends. (Just so anyone who knows what I'm talking about sees this- I STILL don't have that peanut butter.)
Uh...I hate Fang from Maximum Ride, yet he's one of my favorite characters. SPOILER ALERT! IF YOU DON'T WANT TO KNOW WHY, SKIP THIS PARAGRAPH! I WARNED YOU! Okay, if you don't care or if you've read it, when he ditched Max in book three and Brigid Dwyer, and Lissa all make me hate his guts right now. But Saint, my sister, and some of my friends are trying to save his skinny little emo butt from the good kicking he needs from me. Aka they're trying to get me to like him again.
Can anyone tell me how to find his blog on Max-Dan-Wiz because I really don't get it. I've searched and searched and CAN NOT for the LIFE of me, find his blog. Leave it on a comment please. Thanks!
(I stole the first part of this from The Sorcerer's Stone-Dumbledore)
Anyways, I'd like to say a few words before I go. And here they are-
Caramelized Camels.
That will be all.