Tuesday, December 29, 2009


So, I sorta forgot my password...
But I remembered it at a random moment and now we're back in buisiness!
So, it turns out that Alex Lucine has a blog. http://www.fayzofthemoon.blogspot.com
That's rad to me, because I swear, I've grown to love Alex Lucine and Drake Merwin more than Max and Fang (gasp! well they're good together, so shoot me!) which is really hard to accomplish. I am a die hard FAX fan. Or MANG...just saying.
I'm writing a story about Drake and Aly. Puzzle Peices.
Speaking of funny people- SAINT FANG OF BOREDOM! LOVE HER!

Oh, and guess what? I wrote this fanfiction called Speak, for Maximum Ride. And I've got enough followers to start a freaking cult! This is super exciting for me and it feels so, so, so, SO good to be this appreciated! This is a real moment for me! I'm having my thirteen minutes of fame...well...as long as this story lasts.
I've got, like, 54 reviews as of now. That's a lot for me!
I'm so proud!
This thing is like, my pride and joy of the moment! I feel pretty special. Not as famous as Saint or dallascowboysncountrymusicfan (Dallas) but special enough!
I'm at the level I could start requesting a certain amount of reviews before a chappie (chapter) gets posted, but I won't. I'm nice. :)
And this remix is lame.
For You I Will (Confidence) Remix by Teddy Geiger. I mean, it's bad enough he tried to do a rock version of it and it somehow became a top hit! Does he really have to destroy his song this much? He's kinda dragging a beautiful accoustic song through the mud right now. :(
So anways, I've discovered a Taylor Swift song I actually really really really like! It's called I'd Lie, but OF COURSE it's the ONE Taylor song that iTunes didn't have, so I couldn't buy it right away!
But I can be patient...for now.
Then I just invest in the full CD at Walmart.
I'm hyper. It's almost midnight.
I need to sleep.
But...I can't sleep.
I already tried.
So now I'm sitting on my bed and periodically typing, reading fanfictions, and fiddling with my abstinence ring. I got one today from my mom.
But it doesn't actually fit.
So it's on my pinky.
But it still counts.
So...I'm a little hyper!
Maybe I should invest in sleeping pills...
Why is there a song called Amazingly Fat Cow on the Teddy Geiger CD Underage Thinking?
Oh. My. Drake. Frickin. Merwin.
I just listened to that song.
Oh. My. Iggy. Ride.
Oh. My. Fang. Ride.
Oh. My. Leon. Scott. Kennedy.
Oh. My. Gale. Hawthorne.
Oh. My. Draco. Malfoy.
Oh. My. Some. Other. Character. Because. I. Ran. Out.
I'm scared.
It's weird.
...............I think I just pulled a Fang Ride.

So, my friends are in a MAJOR fight.
Personally, I think it's a little dumb.
But I'm going to let the drama just fizzle out.
It always does.
I give them until spring break.
If they aren't made up by then I'm forcing them together by shoving them in a closet or other small enclosed space with a lock on it.
And leaving them there.
For hours.
With only each other for company and or entertainment.
With no weaponry (for safety purposes).
And padded walls.
Maybe in straight jackets.
I'm bored now.