Tuesday, September 21, 2010


So I joined this group at my new HS called EDDAS. And honestly, this is totally the best thing that ever happened to me. Like, seriously, school wise. That and my C.W. class, but we already knew that (See FF and FP profs.)
So, the only people whose names I can remember are
Koa (his name is so RAD!)
and.....yeah, that's really it.
But anyways, it's our school's arts mag. and CF club (CF=Coffe House) and...well, it's just arts stuff. But it's rad.
They're all older than me (juniors and 1 senior) BUT they were so nice. I seriously am so used to being insulted, quite frankly, that I was just totally shocked that they were so nice to me!
They were all really funny and welcoming and they did something shocking. They listened to and used my ideas, which I hadn't really expected.
I only have one problem.
Wil and Kyle. Please. Stick figures?
...Yeah, that was all.
Well, glad you two have fun with stick figures, anyways! :D
They were even nice to Gabe and they haven't even MET HIM yet!
Todays stats
Mood: Tired
Listening to:I'm Yours-Jason Mraz
Activity:Blogging (duh)
Next Activity: getting a passport
Eating: Grapes
Drinking: Water
Thinking about: EDDAS to do list and how to tell my father that i'm dropping SC for EDDAS.
Current Fave pairing (canon): Lucy and Nicholas (Drake Chronicles)
Current Fave pairing(Noncanon): Tyler and Reid/Caine and Drake/Drake and Diana (Covenant and Gone)
Dad's home! Bye!