Friday, March 12, 2010


Me:So, I haven't been updating in a while.
Hea:I'm hungry
Me:Well dad's getting pizza
Hea:Did you fill this out?-stares at transfer form-
Me:No my dad did.
Hea:Oh, because it doesn't look like your handwriting -phone buzzes- That's dirty.
Me:Wow Hea. Just wow.
Hea: What time is it?
Me:Time to learn?
Me: So saint and fang got married on Skype. -gets stared at- Saint Fang of Boredom?
Hea: I know. What is skype?
Me: I think it's video chat.
Hea: OH. That's crap.
Me: Don't stab the candle.
Hea: Why?
Me: It's not mine.
Hea: Won't it just melt away away like an icicle. So when does Jay get home?
Me: Late.
Hea: What time? -pauses- I'ma gonna sit on your gum- oh wait that's mine. I'ma gonna sit on my gum.
Me: You're weird.
Hea:So are you.
Me: Thank you.
Hea: -polishes vase- That could look so dirty. THis is kinda wrong.
Me: Wow Hea. Just wow.
Hea: I'm cleaning a vase. I wanna shove it up Zach's butt. Maybe the stick will come out.
Me: He's not that bad.
Hea: hE wants a banana up his butt.
Me: He's got issues but...
Hea: He's got ten bananas up his butt.
Me: No, I'm serious, he's not that bad. There's gotta be a reason why he acts like that.
Hea: Someone is home.
Me: Tee-hee. You realize what I'm doing right?
Hea: I don't wanna know.
Me: What?
Dad: -dances in with pizza box- It's the pizza dance.
Me: I'm typing everything we say as we say it.
Hea: Why?
Dad: Because she has webcamera? YOur guess is as good as mine.
Me: bEcause I'm blogging it.
Dad: She's workig on her job as a court reporter.
Hea: You're not really typing that are you?
Me: I am.
Hea: you're not okay.
Dad: -makes farting noise with mouth- Type that.
Me: I will. What time does Jay get home?
Dad: Gonna go pick her up in about fifteen minutes.
Me: Okay.-looks at Hea randomly- HI twin.
Hea: Legs up.
Hea: What dad said when he needed the places from the cabinet below us. I just accidentally opened the cabinet with my jeans.
Me: Good for you.
Hea:-gets plates out- PIZZA!
Me: I'm bored of typing everything we say.
Hea: Good for you.
Me: BYE! (By? Bai? BI!? Oh how I hate homophones.)
Hea: -stares- You're not okay
Me: I'm the crazy twin.
Hea: And I'm not?
Me: ...
Hea:I rest my case.

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